Success Stories


Jamie Gordon

Monday through Friday, Jamie goes to work in community-based businesses operated by Threshold Residential Services Inc., a local nonprofit agency of 40 years’ standing. He is a member of crews which detail cars, mow lawns, and provide janitorial services for businesses, organizations and private individuals in and around East Palestine, Ohio.

Jamie gets to and from work in transportation provided by Threshold. He lives in a group home operated by the agency, and participates in group activities and sheltered workshop projects, all traditional services of state-supported agencies serving those with disabilities. Threshold does so in partnership with the Columbiana County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CCBDD).


Adam Buckius

Adam is employed by C & C Garage in Lisbon, Ohio, where he is currently working 3 days a week. His main responsibility at the garage is detailing cars, which is something he takes great pride in. He is not satisfied with his work until the car is completely clean. His favorite part of his job involves cleaning the car windows because he can do this task quicker than any other. When asked where he would like to see himself within the next year, he responded that he enjoys doing the detailing so he plans on doing as much of it that as he can. Adam is very passionate when it comes to his work, which is something that can easily be seen.

Lisa Arnold

 Lisa Arnold has been employed for the past six months by Sun Rey of Life Cleaning, where she is working three days a week. She performs a variety of tasks including detailing cars at C & C Garage, as well as cleaning the offices at the Reach4More building. She prefers detailing cars over cleaning offices because she enjoys hanging out with the men at the garage. She explained that they joke back and forth all day and that she gets along with them really well. She loves working and chooses to fit in as many hours a week that she can between both jobs. Her main goal for the next year is to increase her hours spent detailing cars at the garage. Any employer would be lucky to gain Lisa as an employee, as they would be impressed by her outstanding work ethic.
